Portable Appliances Testing, also known as PAT is the name used to test electrical appliances to ensure the safety of them for use.
PAT testing London is helpful in decreasing the risk of a device catching fire or electrocuting a user and should be conducted by professionals, like ServiceTeam and ServiceTeam, to ensure you’re making the right choice in the process of saving lives.
Making sure that your electronic gadgets and portable electrical devices tested on a regular basis is recommended since like all other devices the devices require regular maintenance. The major advantages of having PAT testing are listed below to help you understand.
Reduces the Risk of Electrical Accidents
Each every year there’s around 8000 electrical fires that occur in the UK alone, which result to more than thirty fatalities and a multitude of injuries.
In time the efficiency of electrical appliances begin to decrease, and any defect in the appliance or plug itself could result in the appliance being ignited and causing the structure to be set on fire that is an dangerous situation.
Physical and visual examination of all electrical devices each year can help identify flaws and breakages. A defective electrical device in a portable can cause electrical shock, which could cause death to someone and cause death, therefore this is not a thing to take lightly.
Helps You Meet Safety Regulations
The Health and Safety at Work Act and The Electricity At Work Regulations each set standards specific to every business must adhere to.
An annual inspection of all electrical appliances in a structure not only indicates that you value your employees, but can also portray a positive image of your company that shows employees are accountable and know the importance of observing the regulations for safety at work.
This extends the lifespan of the Appliances
Electrical appliances are expensive to purchase, and if appliances are not in stock all the time then you’ll be spending an enormous amount of money replacements.
Do yourself and your company an immense favor by hiring skilled individuals with the appropriate equipment to perform regular PAT tests of all electrical devices and to identify and fix any electrical issues.
Helps You Get Insurance
The Electricity At Work Regulations, Management of Health and Safety Regulations and Health and Safety at Work Act are just a number of UK safety rules which all insurance companies demand that you adhere to.
If you’re doing not take PAT very seriously and the electrical equipment at your company aren’t examined as often or as completely, your insurance company may declare your contract null and void and deny any claim. Let’s face it.
This is not what any business owner would like to see. If you’re but able to comply with the safety and electricity rules, you’ll be in a an advantage.
Aids Your Business
It really is! If you’re investing in regular inspections and upkeep of every electrical portable devices within your premises You are saving yourself a significant amount of time and money over the long run.
If broken wires or other issues are discovered promptly and repaired so that your work doesn’t be halted abruptly even when you’re in middle of something crucial. There won’t be a need to rush around trying to find the right people to fix the problem since the time as well as money is both valuable.
PAT can benefit your business on many different levels. It’s a straightforward add-on to your business and increases security by reducing the risk of electrical shocks, fires or other hazardous situations. It also helps your company favorably by insurance businesses.
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