Supplements for anxiety are becoming increasingly popular, and research suggests that they could help reduce some of the symptoms suffered by those suffering from anxiety disorders.
Anxiety is a complicated condition that can be found in hand with other mental health problems, such as depression, or PTSD. Sometimes, prescription medications are required to treat the condition effectively, and are often combined with regular therapy sessions to alleviate symptoms and discover their root cause. Alongside the most effective magnesium supplement, there are a variety of dietary supplements that you can use regularly to aid in maintaining healthy sleep, good health and stress management.
It is worth noting, however, that you should never take supplements that are not under medical supervision, particularly if you are already on medication, as they may interact, causing adverse reactions.
We spoke with a number of mental health professionals to find their take on which supplements could help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and if there are any you should avoid.
Supplements can help with anxiety?
If you have slight or intermittent anxiety, it is possible that supplements are helpful in the management of your symptoms. Supplements that support quality of sleep, mental health or other deficiencies that can have mental health impacts can be useful, but it’s always recommended to speak with the medical professional prior to adding them to your diet.
Roxana Ehsani Registered dietitian nutritionist, as well as a national representative for media of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, explains that supplements can’t alleviate anxiety, but they can help with some symptoms. “Certain supplements may be able to help ease anxious symptoms but must be approved by your physician prior to taking them,” she says. “Also be aware that using supplements for anxiety won’t get to the root cause of your anxiety, therefore it’s not likely to solve it or eliminate it the long term, perhaps only temporarily.”
Roxana Ehsani holds a board-certified specialist for Sports Dietetics also is a National Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has a Bachelors of Sciences in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise from Virginia Tech and a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Pittsburgh and completed her dietetics internship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
For patients taking strong medications such as antipsychotics or benzodiazepines supplements can cause undesirable negative effects. Therefore, you should be cautious of combining supplements with prescription medications without the guidance of a doctor.
Dr Deborah Lee, a medical doctor and author for Dr Fox Online Pharmacy (opens in new tab), explains that supplements to treat anxiety could be risky since they aren’t monitored in the same way as medications. “Many sufferers with anxiety symptoms will take supplements that they purchase online or through a pharmacy. It’s hard to provide good guidance on anxiety supplements since natural products, which include vitamin and mineral supplements, aren’t subject to regulation in the same manner as other medicines and drugs,” she says.
After working for many years as a doctor in the NHS in the U.K first as a general practitioner, and later as the Director of Clinicians for the integrated Community Sexual Health Service, Dr Deborah Lee now works as medical and health writer with a focus specifically on the health and wellbeing of females. She is a specialist in menopausal issues.
“There is usually a lack of well-constructed research supporting their use. The majority of studies, when they do exist, are merely studies of a short duration, and are frequently done on animals. Often, these are not random controlled trials using a placebo group.”
A double-blind investigation in Current Developments in Nutrition (opens in a new tab) indicated that a general multivitamin and mineral supplement might have a beneficial impact on young adults’ experiences of anxiety symptoms. However, the study needs to replicated at an even larger scale. Eliminating any mineral or vitamin deficiencies assures that the body operates at its best, so those who are experiencing anxiety issues should discuss with their doctor the results of a blood test to determine if there is a deficiency as the reason.
A chronic magnesium deficiency could negatively affect our mental health as well as our capacity to manage stress. An analysis within the Nutrients (opens in new tab) journal discovered that continuous anxiety and stress drain the body’s stores of magnesium and magnesium deficiency may result in a faulty stress response. Another study in Nutrients (opens in a new tab) found that magnesium supplements could aid in the treatment of mild anxiety.
If you believe you be suffering from a magnesium deficiency speak to your doctor before adding a supplement into the diet of yours, as your symptoms could be indicative of other issues.
Ehsani also notes that magnesium supplements have been proven to reduce anxiety. “Magnesium supplementation is one of the things I initially think of, since it’s an essential mineral that can help your body to relax,” she says. “Some people aren’t taking enough nutrients from food, and it’s possible to lose in tiny amounts through sweat as well. There have been a handful of trials with magnesium supplementation on those suffering from depression and anxiety, and they found that it did boost the effectiveness of supplements among those taking it, as opposed to those in the control group.”
Often seen as nature’s sleep aid, a systematic analysis published in the Journal of Evidence-based Integrative medicine (opens in a new tab) revealed that valerian may be a beneficial supplement for managing anxiety and improving sleep. However due to the uncertain characteristics of the product as well as the variety of dosages offered on the market and in the market, it’s unclear whether valerian’s effectiveness is actually high.
Additionally, valerian can enhance the efficacy of other sleep medicines such as benzodiazepines. It also may interfere with other supplements for instance St John’s Wort, according to the Mayo Clinic (opens in new tab).
A study of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (opens in new tab) looked at twelve articles which evaluated the effectiveness of kava as a treatment option for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In one study, there was no difference in the results between people who were taking Kava supplements and those taking a placebo, and it was concluded that current evidence is not enough to justify the use of kava as a supplement for anxiety.
Fish oil
Fish oil supplements can help to alleviate the deficiency of fatty acid in a few patients, which could cause signs of mental illness due to the role that fat acids play in brain chemistry, as demonstrated in a study in the journal of Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. In addition The JAMA networks open (opens in a new tab) medical journal has conducted an analysis of meta data that concluded that the presence of a large amount of omega-3 (found in supplements made from fish oil) may help in reducing symptoms of anxiety disorders.
St. John’s Wort
St John’s Wort has been the most well-known remedy for low mood and anxiety, but it’s actually risky to take, particularly when you are taking birth control or antidepressant medication as it can interact and disrupt these medications.
However, a review published of Systematic reviews (opens in new tab) found that St John’s Wort could be effective for treating moderate or mild depression (showing positive results over placebo) A different review in the Journal of Psychopharmacology (opens in new tab) discovered that there are a lot of interactions between St John’s Wort as well as therapeutic medications. In this regard, always consult with your physician prior to adding St John’s Wort into your routine.
Vitamin D
The people who live in colder climates are often recommended to supplement with vitamin D between October to April due to low levels of sunlight causing deficiency in a number of populations. A review in the Journal of Affective Disorders (opens in a new tab) shows that there is a positive association between vitamin D deficiency and mood disorders . Additionally, in those with vitamin D deficiency, supplements positively affects mood. Since vitamin D is one of the vitamins that boost the immune system, it could be beneficial to supplement with vitamin D to support your general health, particularly during the winter months.
Ehsani says Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent throughout the USA. “Vitamin D deficiencies may also result in anxiety, so fixing this nutritional imbalance could assist in calming your anxiety as well,” she says. “It’s reported that 42% of Americans aren’t getting enough Vitamin D.”
B vitamins
B-vitamin deficiencies can lead to many distressing signs in that B12 particularly is essential for good brain function. It is possible to feel tired frustrated, angry and confused when you’re deficient in B12 as well as other B-vitamins.
A meta analysis in Nutrition (opens in new tab) journal found that taking a vitamin B complex could be particularly useful for those with mood disorders or who are in poor nutritional health. While you may overdose on vitamin Bhowever, it’s difficult to overdose, as it’s water soluble and your body’s natural ability to flush out excess. As such, this is a fairly safe supplement for mood disorders, anxiety and so on, although having the blood test and seeking medical supervision is still advised if you suspect you may be suffering from an insufficient amount of vitamin B.
Chamomile is one the primary ingredients in sleepy-time tea. It is a relatively safe supplement for the majority of people. According to medical advice, it may interact with certain drugs, specifically blood thinners when consumed in large doses, but drinking a cup of tea every day is not likely to trigger any adverse effects.
An article in the Phytomedicine (opens in a new tab) journal found that over eight weeks of chamomile supplementation resulted in results similar to those observed during the traditional treatment for anxiety. Larger scale studies need to be conducted to confirm this, but having a cup of tea with chamomile might be a useful supplement to your routine at bedtime in case you suffer from anxiety.
Aromatherapy can be a helpful natural treatment for anxiety with minimal side effect. A couple of drops of lavender oils in the bath or a diffuser will help you be more relaxed. While it’s not going to cure anxiety, it may make a difference in your routine, specifically to assist you in relaxing before going to bed.
A study published in Laryngoscope of Otolaryngology Investigational (opens in a new tab) found that aromatherapy with lavender reduced anxiety before surgery for patients who had come in to undergo day-time surgery. While the journal notes that further large-scale research needs to be undertaken, the overall positive results were positive.
The allergic reaction to lavender is very rare, but it is always worth testing any new substances you might want to use to help with aromatherapy prior to putting them in your bathwater.
Supplements for anxiety There are risks?
It is imperative to consult with your physician before incorporating any supplements to your diet, particularly in the case of any medications. Certain supplements can affect prescription medication and birth control.
Ehsani suggests working with your doctor before deciding on an anxiety-related supplement. “There is always a risk in taking any supplement, so it’s always advised to talk to your doctor before making any decision,” she says. “Certain supplements could interact with your current medication you’re taking or interact or interfere with a current health condition you are dealing with, and some supplements might not be tested for quality or safety therefore, make sure that the that any supplement you take can be approved by your physician.”
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