Does your in-house IT department prove to be costly, inefficient and slow to respond to emergencies? Perhaps you’re a brand-new company that has relied on anti-virus software to secure your information? No matter what stage you’re in you may want to look into managed IT support to upgrade your infrastructure for IT.
Companies rely on their digital systems more than ever before for their day-to-day tasks. Thus, disruptions to these systems, as well as any downtime could affect productivity and efficiency. This is why 83% of small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK utilize controlled IT services to manage your digital systems. We’ll review the most significant benefits of outsourcing IT support, and why you should think about changing to managed IT services.
What is managed IT support?
Before we get into the benefits, let’s first define precisely what we’re talking about. The Managed IT Support Services are provided by third-party firms that oversee the whole IT team. This includes cyber-security, troubleshooting repair of hardware as well as disaster recovery, and more. The client usually pay a monthly cost for IT support proactive that manages their IT infrastructure remotely. It’s an excellent option to hire an internal team and offers an even more complete IT support at only a fraction of the cost.
But what are the advantages?
1. Monthly costs that are controlled
Any business should budget for costs in order to reduce unexpected costs. This is crucial when you’re a small or medium-sized company with a small budget. Setting up a monthly fixed payment schedule through your Managed IT Service Provider will take the burden from IT expenses. You’ll know precisely how much you’re paying for IT as well as the amount you’ll need to pay it monthly and what you’ll receive as a result. Knowing precisely what you’ll have to pay for IT will enable you to make more choices when it comes to investing in other areas of your company.
2. Managed IT support services provide an unlimited amount of assistance
The cost of hiring temporary workers during times of disaster or when you require additional support to support an internal team can be costly. If you choose to use an controlled IT service, you’ll get unlimited, 24/7 assistance. There will be an expert team waiting to solve your problems right away and without cost.
3. Outsourcing IT support can be cost-effective.
Managed IT support is cheaper than hiring an in-house IT team. It is still possible to contact someone anytime there’s a problem, or if you require assistance in repairing or upgrading. But, you’ll not have the stress and expenses that come by permanent staff. You’ll also get a reduction in costs for software and hardware since this managed service already has a relationship with suppliers and profit in the economies of scale.
4. Flexible service
Another advantage of outsourcing IT support is that you can have the option of upgrading when your company grows or to consolidate as needed. It is possible to create contracts that you do not have to purchase anything you don’t want and also rapidly scale up and gain access to new services whenever you need they are needed. You are in charge.
You can’t have the same level of flexibility from an internal team, as it is required to hire or fire employees when expanding or consolidating the IT system. This isn’t an easy or inexpensive process.
5. Managed IT support services give access to experts with expertise
Perhaps the most important advantage outsourcing IT is access to specialist knowledge, expert abilities, and decades of IT experience in a variety of industries. The training of staff members to be able to resolve a problem that occurs once in a once in a blue moon can be costly. While using an IT service that is managed IT service, you get access to an expert who has seen everything before and can tell you how to resolve issues immediately.
6. Customer service has been improved
If you use the managed service provider, you’ll have the benefit of a dedicated support team. Your contract will also include an agreement on service levels which guarantees quick response time as well as a pleasant support. Our customer service team will know your company from top to bottom and provide efficient IT support in London that helps reduce the amount of downtime and helps keep your employees efficient.
7. Get access to the latest technologies and software for free updates
If you’re a small-scale business or a big enterprise, providing your staff with technology and managing the licensing fees for necessary software is costly. You must also take into account the cost of frequent upgrades to add salt to the wound.
Managed IT services come with an incentive to provide you with the most efficient equipment and software , since they’re the ones that claim they can improve your infrastructure. While in-house IT departments are rewarded to reduce costs and make use of every opportunity since the less you invest in IT the more profitable your company will be by the end of the year.
If you decide to utilize a managed IT solution it will allow you to lower costs and gain access to the most advanced tools and software. Employing an IT department that is outsourced gives users access to an system that is continuously upgraded and the costs for your monthly retainer remain constant.
8. Cyber security proactive and proactive, as well as disaster recovery
Managed IT services will employ the top security and anti-malware tools to ensure that their clients’ information is safe and secure. The outsourcing of your IT department ensures that your entire network will be secured by their sophisticated data protection systems that are constantly under surveillance. There’s a proactive security guardian looking for suspicious emails as well as other cybersecurity security threats. In most cases they’ll be addressed before you are aware of the threats.
This proactive approach in terms of security allows you to save money on downtime, and also take the time to keep your network secure. If disaster strikes you will have someone on the ground to return your employees working as quickly as feasible.
9. Enhances productivity by allowing you to focus on your business’s core competencies
As your company expands and expands, your IT infrastructure must increase in size. The outsourcing of a part (or all) of the IT departments ensures that you are able to focus on your primary business and not be held back by lengthy IT issues. You’ll be able to expand upon demand, thanks to having access to a group of experts who possess all the skills needed to fill any gaps that you might have as your business grows. Finding a managed IT solution that has flexible contract options is crucial to receive the help you require without having to purchase additional services that are not needed.
What should you look for in an IT support service managed by a company
We’ve uncovered what the advantages can be when you choose to partner with an managed IT support service , but what are the best ways to find the most suitable company to work with? We’ve outlined the advantages that an outsourced IT department must provide:
Flexible, cost-effective fixed contracts that are flexible
24/7 customer support
Support for online and by phone
Customer service representatives who have advanced training in troubleshooting
Remote access capabilities
Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solutions
A group of experts with extensive years of experience in various industries
High-end software and technology
Infrastructure support (WIFI, network cabling, fibre-optics, etc.)
Proactive security protocols
The final thoughts regarding the advantages that can be derived from the management of IT support services
Employing an outsourcing IT department can give your business access to a an affordable resource that will improve the IT system. They’ll be proactive in defending against cyber threats and offer you access to the most advanced equipment and technology. Flexible contracts mean you can expand or consolidate your IT resources at any time, and you’ll never be required to purchase things you don’t require or require.
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