Instagram Stories and IGTV – How These Features Are Revolutionizing Marketing
Marketing is all about staying ahead of the curve. It’s important to keep up with social media trends and stay current. It may surprise you to find that not many businesses are taking advantage of Instagram Stories or Instagram TV (IGTV), which are two of the most popular advertising and communication formats. Instagram stories have become so popular they have overtaken Snapchat. That is a huge accomplishment. You should use them if you don’t already. Here are some tips and tricks to get started.
Instagram Stories: What are they and how to use them
According to Instagram, businesses account for 13% of the most popular stories on the platform. This means there’s a huge audience waiting to see your content. Your Instagram story can be used to upload images or videos. They will remain visible for 24 hours once they are uploaded, although you can save some as highlights. Many businesses also use them to promote new products and link to their online shops.
Instagram Stories allows you to post as many photos as you want. All content is added to the story. Followers and other users can click on an image to view as much as they like. This allowed for greater publication without having to pester customers or post too many times in one day. Stories are only available for a limited time and can be shared on Instagram. They don’t need to be polished as permanent posts. Stories are a great way to show your followers a more human side of the company.
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This allows you to tell a story, show people your brand and the incredible products you offer. Are your products transforming lives? Have they been praised by others? Use stories to share these experiences with your followers. This will engage them and help you to establish a personal connection between your business and them.
Videos can be created for your story as well, but they are limited to 15 seconds. These videos are used by many companies for customer testimonials and short interactive ads. You can make a truly engaging experience that your followers will enjoy. It’s not a lot of time, but 15 seconds seems like a lot. You can also choose to live stream for a few seconds. Businesses often use this time to show off exciting news or give a tour of their office.
IGTV: What is it and how to get started
IGTV can be described as the Instagram version YouTube. It allows you to create your own channel and broadcast videos to your followers as well as others around the globe. To get started, you will need to download a separate app. However, the IGTV app connects seamlessly with Instagram so uploads are effortless and hassle-free.
After you have created the video on your smartphone or computer, you can upload the file to the app and your channel. But what should you create for your IGTV channel channel? It can be used to create advertising content. However, you should not flood your channel with it. Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% engaging content, 20% advertisement.
One good example is Netflix’s IGTV upload, where Cole Sprouse eats a cheeseburger for an entire hour. Although it might seem silly, the engagement was incredible. They received 700k viewers at the time the upload was made (and that number has since exceeded the million mark). Gucci has uploaded every runway presentation since 2015 and received an incredible reception.
It is all about creating engaging content that engages your potential and current followers. Think about your audience and what they are interested. Also, think about how your videos relate to your brand. This is a lot of information, but it’s also important.
To conclude
Social media is constantly growing and can be quite overwhelming. You don’t have to be on every platform – only the ones with the highest engagement. Instagram is currently the most popular social media platform and that trend will not slow down. Grab the opportunity to create your IGTV channel and plan your stories.